El próximo 26 de abril, a las 18:00 el Google Developer Expert Moisés Martínez, Doctor en IA y mentor del Liquid Galaxy project, estará en las instalaciones del Parc Agrobiotech Lleida para dar una charla titulada
Estado del arte de la IA
Moisés nos comentará sobre el actual desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial, y las diferentes aplicaciones que están marcando la pauta en una industria .
La charla será en inglés, ya que será retransmitida en directo por Youtube para la comunidad mundial del Liquid Galaxy project y el público en general.
Ubicación: Sala de actos, edificio 23A, Parc Agrobiotech Lleida
Fecha: 26 de abril 2023, miércoles
Hora: 18:00 a 19:30
Coste: Gratuito
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Moisés Martínez is a Computer Engineer and PhD in Computer Science with majors in Artificial Intelligence from the Carlos III University of Madrid. He has been AI researcher and/or professor at different universities such as the Carlos III University of Madrid, the University of Örebro, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, King's College London, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and Francisco de Vitoria University.He began his career as a Full-Stack Developer and is currently working in Data & AI as Architect by participating, developing and designing different Big Data and Industry 4.0 projects using technologies from different clouds, especially Google Cloud and Azure Cloud using components of the Apache ecosystem to extract value to the data and build reasoning models. In addition, he is a Speaker at different international and national conferences and meetups and one of the organizers of T3chFest, the largest free technology event in Spain.